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Kidkare Training

Filing your claim online is by far the easiest way to file. With a few clicks of your mouse you can:


  •  Record your in and out times, attendance and meal count

  •  You can enroll new children and be able to record their meals served immediately, no more waiting on a number.

  •  Pre-plan your monthly menus and print them to have them posted in your daycare, as required.

  •  At the end of the month, review your claim and submit it to T & T Tutor World, Inc. It is that easy! No more postage and no more worrying if the weather has delayed your manual claim getting to us.


Training for Kidkare is available to providers by a staff member any time after the 15th of the month.

Please e-mail London Horton to schedule a training session or do the kidkare training on your own via an online tutorial. Tutorials are free for a limited time only.

Kidkare for homes Tutorial

Kidkare for centers Tutorial

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